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What Do I Need to Make Seafood Paella at Home? 🥘

What Do I Need to Make Seafood Paella at Home? 🥘

Seafood paella is one of those emblematic dishes that combine flavor, tradition and a touch of celebration. Although it originates from 📍 Valencia, Spain, its fame has crossed borders. Making seafood paella at home may seem like a challenge, but with the right ingredients and utensils, you'll become the chef at your own party. Here's everything you need to prepare this delicious recipe.


The star of seafood paella is, of course, the seafood. You can customize the mix according to your preferences, but here's a classic selection:

  • Shrimp : Large in size for more flavor and texture.
  • Mussels: Cleaned and without broken shells.
  • Squid: Cut into rings for even cooking.
  • Clams: Cleaned and ready to cook.

Paella Base

  • Paella rice: Preferably bomba type rice, as it absorbs the broth without falling apart.
  • Seafood broth
  • Tomato: Grated or pureed, to give flavor and color.
  • Red pepper: In strips, to add sweetness and color.
  • Peas: Can be fresh or frozen, they add a touch of freshness.
  • Garlic: Finely chopped for a touch of flavor.

Seasonings and Other Ingredients

  • Saffron: Essential for the color and characteristic flavor of the paella.
  • Pimentón de la Vera: A smoky touch that complements the flavor.
  • Olive oil: To fry the ingredients.
  • Salt and pepper: To taste.
  • Lemon: Cut into wedges, to serve at the end.


  • Paella pan: Ideally, a paella pan (fairly wide and shallow) for even cooking.
  • Wooden spatula: To move the ingredients without scraping the paella pan.

Preparation Step by Step

  1. Prepare the seafood: Clean them. Peel and devein the shrimp and cut the squid into rings.
  2. Add the Sofrito and then the rice: and stir to infuse the flavors.
  3. Add Broth and Seasonings: Pour the hot fish stock into the paella pan. Add saffron, paprika, salt and pepper to taste. Cook over medium-high heat.
  4. Add the seafood: Distribute the seafood over the rice. Do not stir the rice once the seafood is added, as this may break the texture of the rice.
  5. Final Cooking: Cook over medium-low heat until the rice is done and the liquid has been absorbed, approximately 20-25 minutes. Make sure the seafood is cooked through and the rice has a golden layer on the bottom, known as “socarrat”.
  6. Resting and Serving: Let the paella rest for a few minutes before serving. Garnish with lemon wedges and serve hot.

And there you have it! With these ingredients and steps, you can enjoy an authentic seafood paella at home. Get ready to delight your friends and family with this vibrant and flavorful dish. ¡Buen provecho!

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Fideuá en paellera: thin noodles browned with seafood, squid, and vegetables, cooked in a large paella pan, garnished with lemon slices and fresh parsley.

Seafood Fideuà

Fideuá is a delicious Valencia dish that is similar to Paella.




  1. Bring to boil 50ml of water. Put the saffron in a small cup, cover it with the hot water and let stand for 10 mins
  2. Heat the Mas Vell Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil in a 40cm Paella pan. Add the onion and stir around the pan for 5 mins until soft. Add the garlic and cook for 1 min more, then add the Gallo Fideo Pasta nº 2 and cook for 5 mins, stirring from time to time until the Fideo Pasta is toasted brown. Stir in the smoked sweet paprika 1921 From "La Vera".
  3. Heat should be moderate, stir through the Gourmet squid and saffron with its water, seasoning well. Spread the ingredients out in an even layer, then pour over Seafood paella broth Gallina Blanca (previously warmed up) and scatter the tomatoes on top.
  4. Bring to a simmer and cover the whole Paella pan with foil. Turn the heat to medium and cook for 6 minutes.
  5. Uncover the dish and stir to incorporate the dry top layer of pasta. Add the Gourmet mussels into the Fideos. Arrange the shrimps on top, cover and cook for 6 more minutes or until the you get pink shrimps, and the pasta is cooked through.
  6. Simmer for another 2 or 3 minutes to cook off most of the remaining liquid. Then, leave few minutes in the Paella pan, this way the pasta won’t stick together. Allow to sit for 2 or 3 minutes, then arrange the lemon wedges on top.
  7. Spread some parsley and lemon juice before serving.


👨‍🍳Based on BBCGoodFood

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Paella with rice, broth and calamari: golden, loose rice cooked with tender calamari, all in a large paella pan with a clear broth visible and garnished with a few sprigs of parsley.

Recipe: 3-Ingredient rice "a banda"

"Arròs a banda", Valencian term for rice on the side, is a dish typical from the coastal area of Alacant. It originated with the fishermen of the area, who would sell off their best fish and keep the leftovers for stock, which they used to cook the rice. Originally this rice contained no other ingredients than the stock - any fish or vegetables were prepared separately, which is why the rice was called on the side. Nowadays this dish is very popular along the Mediterranean coast between Murcia and Barcelona, and it's often prepared with squid and/or shrimp.


🥘 Ingredients (for 2 people):


🥘 Instructions:

  1. Heat up the broth in a saucepan

  2. Heat up your 26cm Paella Pan or Paellera

  3. Add a drizzle of oil on the pan and pan-fry the squid pieces for about 5 minutes

  4. Add the rice to the pan and stir it for a couple of minutes

  5. Add the boiling broth to the rice and stir to distribute all the ingredients evenly

  6. Let it cook until the rice is done and the broth has been absorbed (it'll take about 16-18 minutes). Shake the pan every now and then to prevent the rice from sticking too much to the bottom of the pan, but don't stir the rice! If the broth has dried up and the rice is still not cooked, you can add more hot broth or water.

  7. When the rice is a minute away from being done, remove the paella pan from the stove, cover it with a kitchen towel and let it rest for 5 minutes before serving.

  8. Take a serving spoon and get ready to scratch the rice from the bottom of the pan - when rice "a banda" is well made, it gets stuck to the pan forming the most delicious and crispy part of any paella-type dish: the "socarraet"!


Buen apetito!

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