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Elegant slices of Jamón Ibérico, beautifully arranged on a white plate with a touch of fresh rosemary. The rich, marbled ham highlights its melt-in-your-mouth texture and deep, savory flavors, perfect for a refined appetizer or gourmet spread

Why choose jamon ibérico from Solfarmers in Canada?


When it comes to enjoying the finest cured meats, Iberico ham, known for its rich, complex flavors and melt-in-your-mouth texture, is often considered the pinnacle of cured meats. But when it comes to getting this delicious delicacy in Ottawa, or even in Canada in general, there is one standout option that discerning palates should consider: Solfarmers.

Iberian ham originates from the Iberian Peninsula, where it is produced from a special breed of pig known as Iberico. These pigs are famous for their meat with a unique fat marbling, which contributes to the ham's exquisite flavor and texture. The traditional curing process, which can take up to 36 months.

Why Solfarmers?

  • Commitment to authenticity: Solfarmers prides itself on sourcing authentic Iberian ham. Each piece of ham is carefully selected and imported from Spain, ensuring that you experience the true essence of this gourmet delicacy.
  • Quality and freshness: One of the key factors in the exceptional quality of Solfarmers' Iberian ham is its dedication to freshness. The ham is stored and handled with the utmost care, preserving its delicate flavors and texture until it reaches your table. This attention to quality control ensures that each slice of ham is as perfect as when it left Spain.
  • Expertise and Knowledge: The team at Solfarmers possesses extensive knowledge about Ibérico ham, from its production process to its ideal pairings. Their passion for Iberian cured meats is evident in every interaction, making your purchasing experience both educational and enjoyable.
  • A Bit of Spain in Canada: By choosing Solfarmers, you’re not just buying Ibérico ham; you’re bringing a piece of Spain’s culinary heritage.

For those seeking the finest jamón Ibérico in Canada, Solfarmers is the premier destination. Our unwavering commitment to authenticity, quality, and exceptional customer service makes them the go-to source for this exquisite delicacy.

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Iberian charcuterie is famous for its distinctive flavor and unparalleled quality. Among the most outstanding products are chorizo, salchichón and lomo ibérico.

Chorizo, salchichon and lomo: Three Jewels of Iberian Charcuterie

Iberian charcuterie is famous for its distinctive flavor and unparalleled quality. Among the most outstanding products are chorizo, salchichón and lomo ibérico. Each of these sausages not only reflects tradition and mastery in the elaboration, but also offers a unique gastronomic experience.

Iberian Chorizo: The Spicy and Flavorful Classic

It is one of the best known and most appreciated sausages in Spanish gastronomy. Made from Iberian pork, chorizo is characterized by its intense red color, which comes from the paprika (pimentón de la Vera, often) used in its preparation.

It can be enjoyed in many ways: in sandwiches, in tapas, or as an ingredient in more elaborate dishes such as paella or stews.

Iberian Salchichón: The Elegant and Versatile Sausage

Iberian salchichón is another classic of the Iberian charcuterie.It is made with lean Iberian pork, spices and black pepper. Its texture is smoother than that of chorizo, and its flavor is less intense and more subtle.

Iberian salchichón is best enjoyed in thin slices, as part of a charcuterie board, in sandwiches or in salads.

Lomo Ibérico: Cured and Exquisite Delicacy

Lomo Ibérico is a sausage made from the loin of the Iberian pig, known for its superior quality and delicate flavor. The loin is marinated with a mixture of salt, paprika, garlic and other spices, and then cured for several months.

It is served in thin slices, similar to Iberian ham, and is ideal to enjoy alone or with bread and cheese. It can also be added to salads, tapas or sandwiches for a touch of sophisticated flavor.

Chorizo, salchichón and lomo ibérico are three charcuterie gems that represent the richness and tradition of Iberian gastronomy. Each of these sausages offers a unique taste experience, from the spicy and robust chorizo to the delicate and sophisticated Iberian loin.

Dare to try them and discover for yourself the magic of Iberian charcuterie!

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