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What to Eat in Spain: 10 Must-Try Spanish Dishes

What to Eat in Spain: 10 Must-Try Spanish Dishes

If you've ever wondered what to eat in Spain, you’ve come to the right place. At Solfarmers, we're passionate about authentic Spanish cuisine and we're here to guide you through the 10 traditional dishes you absolutely must try. From vibrant Barcelona to sunny Seville, each region offers a variety of flavors that will make you fall even more in love with Spanish food.

1. Paella

Let’s start with Spain’s most famous dish: paella. This delicious rice dish, traditionally cooked in a large pan, comes in several versions, such as seafood, mixed, or meat. In Valencia, it’s considered a true culinary art.

2. Tortilla Española or potatoes omelet 

Tortilla Española, also known as Spanish omelet, is a classic. This egg and potato omelet is perfect for breakfast or dinner. Don’t miss out on this homemade delight!

3. Gazpacho

Gazpacho is a cold soup that’s refreshing during the hot summer months. Made from tomatoes, cucumbers, and bell peppers, it’s a light and flavorful dish.

4. Jamón Ibérico

Jamón Ibérico or iberian ham is an unrivaled delicacy. Cured for several months, this ham is known for its intense flavor and smooth texture. It’s perfect when paired with a good Spanish wine.

5. Croquetas

Croquetas are small fried treats filled with a creamy mixture that can include ham, chicken, or spinach. They’re the perfect appetizer to share.

6. Churros with Chocolate

For dessert, churros with chocolate are an irresistibly sweet choice. Dip them into thick, hot chocolate for a truly indulgent experience.

7. Pimientos de Padrón

These small green peppers, fried in olive oil and sprinkled with coarse salt, are a perfect snack. While most are mild, occasionally you’ll find a spicy one, making them even more interesting.

8. Albondigas

Spanish albóndigas are small meatballs, often cooked in a rich, savory sauce. They’re a delicious choice for both casual meals and special dinners.

9. Pulpo a la Gallega

Originating from Galicia, Pulpo a la Gallega is octopus cooked, sliced, and sprinkled with paprika and coarse salt. It’s a true feast for seafood lovers.

10. Fabada Asturiana

Fabada Asturiana is a hearty stew made from fabes (white beans) and cured meats like chorizo and morcilla. This dish is perfect for cold days and offers a burst of flavors.

At Solfarmers, we specialize in importing Spanish food products to ensure that every bite of your Spanish culinary experience is authentic. Whether you’re planning a trip to Spain or simply want to enjoy Spanish food at home, these dishes are a great place to start. Enjoy!

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